SEO basic principles

SEO basic principles

SEO misconceptions mislead many business owners. We help you to understand SEO and make the right decisions.

SEO consultation
Magnifying glass

SEO consultation & interactive SEO course for businesses

Is it worth investing in SEO? It depends. You need to know when, why and how to approach it in your specific case. We teach you what you need to know.

During our SEO consultation & course we cover the following topics:

  • How SEO works in general
  • SEO misconceptions
  • Areas of SEO
  • The relationship between website content and SEO
  • The impact of website visitor behaviour on SEO
  • Structure and formatting of website content for SEO
  • What to avoid
  • Importance of URL structure
  • Image management for SEO - 'alt' and 'title' tags
  • Image optimisation
  • Meta tags
  • Other basic technical knowledge
  • Importance of statistics
  • Importance of UX
  • Link building (dofollow, nofollow links)
  • What you can do yourself for improving your positions
  • Basic knowledge of Google Search Console
  • SEO analysis and testing tools

What you get

Three 90 minute interactive online (Zoom) sessions for 1 up to 4 people from the same business.

It's important that these sessions are dedicated to your business only.


3 sessions (90 minutes each)

  • for 1 person: £330
  • for 2 persons: £390
  • for 3 persons: £440
  • for 4 persons: £480

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It is recommended to have all 3 sessions within 10 days, because the different areas are strongly connected.
People learning with laptops around a large screen

After attending these sessions you still will not be an SEO expert. However, you will get all the essential knowledge. Additionally, you will be able to work on your own SEO.

All in all, you will know enough to make the right decisions for your business when it comes to SEO. As a result, you will have a very strong general knowledge about it and you will not waste your money when you don't need to.

Get in touch to discuss the details: